God is the only being who,in order to reign,doesn't even need to exist.
The Albanian Racism towards its neighbours is based on historical falsifications
Translated from Macedonian by Zhivko Apostolovski
From the Macedonian daily newspaper Vest - 25.02.2003
Vitomir Dolinski: An Interview with the Persecuted Albanian Academic Professor Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich
VD: - You are regarded as a unique, albanian Mandela, but also as a political prisoner-record holder on the Balkan. For the insufficiently informed, at the beginning, tell us briefly about this?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - In former Yugoslavia I was sentenced two years strict imprisonment, allegedly for propaganda against the socialism and the �brotherhood and unity�. After I served the punishment to the last day in the jail Idrizovo, wishing to escape to the Soviet Union I got stuck in Albania with which the USSR exactly those days severed its diplomatic relations. After the ten-year internment I was arrested by the albanian authorities and sentenced 43 years of a most monstrous imprisonment, again allegedly for antigovernment propaganda, in possession of some revolver without license, preparing to escape and for insulting the investigator. Thus, in total I am sentenced 45 years, of which 37 for antigovernment propaganda, with which I think that I am the most heavily sentenced political prisoner on the Balkan and maybe I am a unique world record holder. Actually, if it wasn�t for the (political) changes in Albania I would probably have still been in jail today. To this sentence needs to be added the severed marriage in Yugoslavia, in which fortunately I didn�t have any children and also the second marriage, in Albania, in which I had two children. During the whole time of my incarceration, not only that I wasn�t allowed to see my children, but I didn�t even know if they were alive. No one was allowed to visit me, or to give me a piece of bread. Not even the other prisoners. Those who did that were punished and the poet Gani Shkudra, who came to see me, not only that they didn�t allow him to see me, but in front of the jail, on the spot, they arrested him and sentenced him with 10 years imprisonment, allegedly for political propaganda. The only transgression attributed to him in the accusation is recorded as: �he had gone to the jail Burel to see the public enemy Kaplan Resuli and brought him bread�. While I was languishing in the infamous jail Burel, ten times they skinned me alive, literally, wanting from me to abandon my yugoslavian (montenegrin) citizenship, the yugoslavian (montenegrin) nationality, my ideals, even my children. They were forcing me to declare myself an Albanian, not only as citizen, but in nationality (ethnicity). Several times they attempted to liquidate me, even after I was released from jail, three times they have attempted to assassinate me � twice in Tirana and once in Geneva. The Albanians themselves, not only my friends, but even the others who were antagonistic towards me, while I was in my jail cells, pronounced me an albanian Mandela. Even my most open adversary, the albanian writer Ismail Kadare, those days, the beginning of the nineties, in his attempts to befriend the european circles and Amnesty International who were involved in my freeing, did not shirk from naming me a martyr and a hero of Albania.
VD: - Before we turn towards that period and to Your specific relationship with the most famous, but undoubtedly the most controversial person of the albanian academy, as well, Ismail Kadare, lets return to the most important phases of your creative activities which led to Your wider literary and scientific affirmation?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - In Dubrovnik in 1952 I published the poem �Bojana� in which I openly named Yugoslavia and Albania, Golgotha, in which the people struggle and suffer. I was instantly called on the phone by my �countryman� Milovan Gjilas who then threatened me that he will squeeze my head so hard that instead of singing I would begin to wail. And it turned out thus. I hear in Yugoslavia he is regarded as the No.1 dissident. If truly there is no other person, then I know that I was that at least a little bit before him.
VD: - Your first jail sentence, unfortunately, occurred to You in Macedonia, where for some time in that period You worked as an educator?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - Yes, I was a tutor in Tetovo when they arrested me. As it can be seen from the charges, in Macedonia I had done nothing wrong. I was accused that, allegedly, I had been involved in an antigovernment propaganda in Montenegro. And because I was and am a montenegrin citizen, the court proceedings should have been there, in my birth town of Ulcinj. The reason for my prosecution in Tetovo was that there I didn�t have any relatives and UDBa (yugoslavian state security), which knew that I am absolutely innocent, was afraid that my prosecution among my Ulcinj people could provoke some unwanted problems. For that reason it ordered my prosecution in Tetovo, behind closed doors. Although I am not from Tetovo, the people of this town, especially my students knew me well, as a professor and as a writer. Along the streets of the town from the court to the jail I was greeted with an open support from many of them and most likely for many of them it will be interesting to know that the key UDBa witness against me was then their collaborator, now allegedly a big fighter for the albanian cause, Adem Demaçi. The state prosecutor in his concluding talk, accusing me as �agens spiritus� of the yugoslavian youth against the regime and seeking to be charged as such, stated that I had been and hoped that I will continue to be in future, as well, a �constructive citizen� of Yugoslavia. It is interesting that Fatos Nano (albanian socialist premier) after my release from jail, here in Geneva described me as a �constructive citizen� of Albania, asking me to return there, in Tirana.
VD: - Your first more significant life�s disappointment, You said, implanted in You the idea to leave for the Soviet Union, but fate wanted again to play with you in a brutal fashion and �retain� You many years in the albanian jail Burel?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - True, that was some time after my completion of the jail sentence in Idrizovo. Burel was not a jail, but a place of horror. While in Idrizovo they would say �You are not here for us to fatten you up, but to count your bones� in Burel it was: �This place is called Burel, where one can get in, but can not get out�.
VD: - The numerous works which You wrote here most likely helped You to strengthen your spirit and, eventually, to survive. Actually, exactly here is created your most famous work, the novel �Treason�?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - From approximately 200,000 pages written during those thirty years, half of them I succeeded in transferring out of jail and to have them here, in Geneva. The other part was taken from me by the authorities and I have no idea what has happened with them. The novel �Treason�, otherwise, the Albanians themselves proclaimed it as a masterpiece of the albanian literature. One of the most eminent albanian critics, Prof. Tajar Zavaljani, even described it as the only worthy work published in Albania after World War II. That type of reception for the novel in Albania and amongst the albanian diaspora perturbed Enver Hoxha (Hodzha) who was attempting to establish his likeminded relative Ismail Kadare as the greatest albanian literary. That is why all of a sudden they �discovered� that I had not written the novel, attempting even to physically eliminate me, but it had been the work of Adem Demaçi (Demaky), for whom they were hoping that, in the meantime, he would perish in the yugoslavian jails. Since Demaçi got out of jail alive and I also survived, now, via the printed media, they have widened a campaign against me, unseen in the history of mankind, which, imagine, the novel had been written for me by UDBa, in order to establish myself with it in Albania and thus usurp the government from Enver.
VD: - Thus far twice, in similar context, You mentioned Kadare and I would like to remind You of 1991 when Amnesty International, as well, engages in the requests for Your release from jail and, absurdly, the one who attempted to block it was none other, but Kadare. How, actually, could that be explained?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - Kadare is catapulted in the West by Ramiz Alija and the widow of Enver Hoxha, with a well planned mission. At that time it was only one of his missions � to diminish my credibility amongst the albanian public and the diaspora, fearing that I may unmask them, spoiling their future plans. For that reason, not only in private, as was the case with Adem Demaçi, but also publicly, at meetings and via the printed media he barked against me and would accuse me, as they were instructing him from Tirana. Kadare and Demaçi are the main conspirators in of the most monstrous demonstrations in the history of mankind, when they spurred the albanian professors and students at Prishtina university to demonstrate in February 1991 against my release from jail.
VD: - On the subject �Kadare� You have up till now written much, to which special attention in the albanian public, but also in the european community have attracted Your books �The true face of Ismail Kadare� and �The lies do not alter the truth�. When, actually, began Your rivalry and what is, as You have mentioned, his well planned mission?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - In these books, actually, with documents and with facts, but also with his own self confessions, I have proven that he is catapulted in the West as an agent of Sigurimi (albanian state security), because he was that from always. As a principal ideolog of Enver, with secret interpretations on our works he was �passing judgment� for our maltreatments, internments and arrests. Actually, this was publicly stated, on Albanian Radio-Television in 1996 by the former head of Sigurimi, Zylfiar Ramizi, verifying that Kadare was in their service under the pseudonym General. He was a provocateur trained by Sigurimi to accuse anyone who, according to him, stood in his way, as he did that with me. And why? Because academic professor Dimitar Suterilji, in his principal paper which he read out at the second Congress of Albanian Writers, placed my name and novel before his. At one plenum of the Union in 1966 I openly criticised him, which enraged him, as he was not used to being criticised. Much later, after my release from jail, a major from Sigurimi involved in my arrest openly declared that, although totally innocent, they had arrested me because they had received a secret 12-page long accusation against me and my activities, exactly from Kadare. In the meantime, he totally put his pen and talent in the service of his benefactor Enver whose political speeches he was transforming into poems and novels. I don�t know if you are aware of the fact that Kadare published a complimentary poem lauding Enver�s �patriotic� dog, which somewhere at the border catches and pulls apart some unfortunate Albanian, only because the poor soul attempted to escape from Enver�s paradise. These are only a few pieces of evidence about the moral profile of the �great� literary and �certain� Nobel prize winner Ismail Kadare, whose main preoccupation today is to poison and deceive the West with the albanian historical falsifications about the alleged famous illiryan-albanian past and culture, which, what absurdity, had suffered multi-centuries harm from the activities of its surrounding barbaric �slavic� peoples.
VD: - This is, I think, an opportune moment to begin our discussion for Your third, certainly an important segment, as well, of Your writings � the scientific-research work. You have published numerous works from the sphere of the albanian historiography and linguistics, which brought You significant prestige, scientific titles and also an honorary membership in the Albanian Science Academy. When did actually begin Your scientific interest for the Albanology?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - Already in 1995 at the university of Skopje it became clear to me that there will not be peace on the Balkan until the albanian question is clarified. For that reason I switched from the law faculty to the albanological studies and here, contrary to what was being said and written not only by the albanian, but also by our, yugoslavian scholars, contrary to what is being taught not only in the albanian language schools (in Albania, as well as in Macedonia), but also in the schools of �south-slavic� languages, I discovered that not only the Albanians are not autochthonous people, but they are also not related in any way to the Pelasgians or the Illyrians. Understandably, not one of the professors in albanology has said this to me. They still continued with the tale that allegedly Albanians are autochthonous pelasgo-illyrian descendants. I discovered that by chance, studying the albanian language, which, all agree, is of the type SATEM. According to that global division of languages, researching the illyrian language I discovered that it is of the type KENTUM. The most elementary logic was saying to me that one SATEM language can not be a direct descendant, not even a kind of derivative of some KENTUM language, without a change of its substrate. Since the albanian language does not have any changes in its substrate, that means that the Albanians can�t be, under any circumstance, genealogical descendants of the Illyrians. Later I discovered this, as well, in the works of the world renown professors and scholars Paul, Hirt, Vaigand, Tomashek, Georgiev, Puscariu and many others, who with numerous scholarly arguments, linguistic and historical, have proven that the Albanians not only do not have anything in common with the Illyrians, not only that they are not autochthonous at any place in the Balkan, but they are not even autochthonous in the territories of modern day Albania. Vaigand for example has formulated 12 arguments. To all of those I�ve added another five. Unfortunately, these scientists are not being mentioned in (the study) Albanology, nor in Albania, nor are they mentioned in Yugoslavia, or in Macedonia, because the albanian professors consciously hide the truth about the origins of the Albanians and, instead of it (the truth), to their pupils and students they serve up the lies about their autochthony and illyrian origin. Via those lies they poison the whole nation. This is not done accidentally, but with the aim to incite the Albanians against the neighbouring nations, thus, hooking them on the �fishing line� of some invented, wide ethnic territories, to use them as cannon fodder for the interests of some criminalised leaders and the international Capital.
The primary motive that inspired me to oppose the albanian pseudo science about their illyrian origin was the truth, the love for the truth, my special inclination towards it, but second and equally as important motive was the fact that, watching the Albanians being breast-fed with chauvinism and racism, are being encouraged to fight their neighbouring peoples (nations), I was hoping that if the truth is explained to them, they will move away from the tales, legends and myths about their autochthony and illyromania, thus ceasing with their inexcusable and baseless hatred towards their neighbours.
VD: - How did the albanian public receive Your albanological research and discoveries?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - Once even Enver Hoxha was forced to admit that the albanian science lacks scientific objectivity. The albanian poet Mimoza Erebara in the Science Academy asked them directly what was the situation with my scientific discoveries. They had told her: �We know that very well even before Kaplan, but now is not the time for all of that to be told� Since in the publication �YLBERI� (comes out since 1993, in Geneva) and especially through my albanological collection THE ILLYRIANS AND THE ALBANIANS I demonstrated in written form my points of view, the albanian academic Vincents Golleti, in the printed media stated: �The stances of Kaplan Boorish about the albanological problems, especially on the problem of the origin of the Albanians, need to be greeted most warmly, while the studies which he publishes in relation with those problems should be propagated throughout the whole of the scholarly world�. After him followed the albanian scholar Dr. Adrian Qosi who in the middle of Tirana openly opposed the hypothesis about the illyrian origin of the Albanians. With me agreed, via the printed media, several other younger scholars of whom I would especially mention Fatos Ljubonja, Prof. Adrian Vebiu and others. I can say that today appeared a group of new albanian scholars who do not agree with the false myths and courageously accept the scientific truth. I am proud that I lead this group and that they took up from me the necessary scholarly courage. Because, believe me, that is not easy at all, as the extreme albanian nationalists, chauvinists and racists led by Ismail Kadare, through the most severe forms of chicanery and satanising are attempting to silence us at any cost. The mentioned Dr Adrian Klosi when he stated that the hypothesis for the illyrian origin of the Albanians is unfounded, added: �But it is better not to talk about that because they will declare us anti Albanians�. And they did.
VD: - Since when actually dates the oldest evidence for the existence of the Albanians and the albanian language?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - The oldest evidenced text in an albanian language is �Formula ë paleximit� (Formula for communion), translated from Latin in 8-11-1462 by the Montenegrin Pavle Angjelich, whom the Albanians have albanised with the name Pal Engylli. The first book in albanian is �Meshari� (The Book of Thoughts), a manual for religious sermons, dates from 1555 and is written by the Croatian Ivan Buzuk and published in Montenegro. And, understandably, they albanise him with the name Gjon Buzuku. For your information, the first primer in albanian, after the proclamation of the albanian independence is a work of �Slavs� and Vlachs. Dositej Obradovich is the first in history who opens a school in albanian language, while it was exactly Serbia which was the first state to recognise independent Albania. The Macedonians have a significant input in the development of the albanian culture. For example, one of the oldest publishers in Albania is the Macedonian Petar Budi (1566-1622) who has published three books in albanian, and also a Macedonian is Jovan Kukuzel, whom the Albanians have claimed as their own and have albanised with the name Jan Kukuzeli, although it is known that when he was born in Drach, XI century, here there still is not even one Albanian. Let me remind you also of Grigor Prlichev (1830-1893) who for some time is a teacher in Tirana and published the wonderful poem �Skenderbeg�. Undeniable is the fact that always at the forefront of all of their positive processes the Albanians had namely non Albanians. Lets mention, as well, at this opportune time only Georgi Kastriot � Skenderbeg, of an undeniable �slavic� ancestry, Naim Frasheri (a Vlach, an albanian national poet) or Fan Noli (a Greek, whose real name is Theofanos Mavromatis), Petar Bogdan, a Serb, or Ismail Kemali, a Turk who was proclaiming the albanian independence in 1912. As you can see, the foundations of the albanian culture and statehood are laid by non Albanians, from which a large number are �Slavs�, but that does not stand in the way of the albanian nationalists, or �marxists-leninists�, all the same, to thump their chests and declare that they have achieved everything by themselves and that the other people (nations), especially the �Slavs� have only been their enemies.
VD: - Undeniable is the fact that in Albania the toponyms are, say, without exception �slavic�. To what is that owed?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - On the territory of today�s Albania, as has already been confirmed by the most distinguished world scholars, from whom I have already mentioned some, first settled the Slavs. In 548 A.D. they enter also in Durrachium (Drach, Durrls). The Albanians come via Transylvania (Romania) and Bulgaria much later, IX-X century. In the meantime, understandably, the Slavs have already named all mountains, valleys, rivers, towns and villages, and built some new ones, giving them their own names. When the Albanians arrive on the Balkan and today�s Albania, there is nothing else they can do except to take those toponyms. A large part of Albania is flooded with serbian and macedonian toponyms. Just as an example I wish to mention the towns of Pogradec, Korça (Korcha), Çorovoda (Chorovoda), Berat, Bozigrad, Leskovik, Voskopoja, Kuzova, Kelcira, Bels and others.
VD: - In the macedonian community little is known that more than 90 percent of the lexical fund of the albanian language are words taken up from other languages. You especially have analysed the subject of the �slavisms� in the albanian language. It would be interesting some more to be said about this?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - For the first time I graduated in Skopje, exactly with the theme �Slavisms in the albanian language�. The second diploma, as well, at the university of Tirana, I defended with a linguistic theme. Especially in �The Dictionary of the Albanian Language in Ulcinj� I have elaborated the etymology of all words. Actually, it can be supposed that if the Turks did not come to the Balkans, the albanian language in not more than 100-200 years would have been completely �slavicised�. The serbian, macedonian and bulgarian languages have penetrated so much into the albanian language that they have flooded not only the lexicon, but they have displaced its phonetics, morphology and syntax. Besides the significant cultural prestige of these languages compared to the albanian, this is also due to the significant albanisation of not a small number of Serbs, Macedonians and Montenegrins, especially the ones who were previously islamised. As it is known, the Albanians have a strongly developed power of assimilation. That a good part of them by origin is Serbs, Macedonians or Montenegrins, is witnessed by their patrons, surnames, but many of them even today speak their �slavic� language. In Albania there are whole regions along the border, especially towards Macedonia, settled with a compact �slavic� population, which is even more numerous, lets say, than the Albanians in Macedonia.
VD: - Lets talk a little also about the numerous ethnonyms which from the albanian side, often baselessly, are forced as synonyms. How come so many ethnic names for the Albanians?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Boorish: - That, as well, witnesses the ethnogenesis of the Albanians after their arrival on the Balkan and populating the northern albanian mountains. I have already mentioned about the Illyrians, but the second ethnonym to which they pretend, the Dardanians, it is known, were not Illyrians, but Thracians. Even if they (Dardanians) had been Illyrians, again they haven�t any connection with the Albanians, because that kind of connection neither have the Illyrians themselves. Science has proven that very clearly. In respect of the Albanoi(an)s, they are a celtic tribe which on the territory of Albania, in the region Mat, arrives in the IV century BC. Today�s Albanians, actually, only much, much later take over their name, as have done today�s Bulgarians from the non slavic Bulgars of Asparuh, or today�s French, from the old germanic Franks, deforming the old celtic name Arlbn/Arlbr. Arbanasi is the other name with which our ancestors the �Slavs� are naming them during the Middle Ages. Arnauts is the name which the Turks use for them. It should be known that not all Arnauts were at the same time Albanians, as well. Because the Arnauts (Albanians) got a reputation as good hired hands in the turkish empire, the other mercenaries were also called Arnauts. That means that there were Serbs, Montenegrins and Macedonians ARNAUTS, because some of them are also islamised, thus as muslims they serve under the turkish flag not only as common soldiers, but also as arnauts (mercenaries). Skiptar (or Shiptar and deformed Shiftar, all originate from the albanian appellative Shqipltar) is the current national name of the Albanians, spread amongst them in the XVII-XIX century, influenced by the name Osman, as the Turks were naming themselves. Namely, osman in turkish is �eagle�, while in albanian it is �shquipe�. Thus the Albanians of muslim faith wanted to relate themselves with the muslims Turks, which was also the aim of the Porte, even of the original platform of the Prizren League, which originally is not albanian at all, but pan islamic. And if its primary aims succeeded, most probably the Albanians would not exist today because all of them in the meantime would have become Turks.
VD: - Here as well, is the known division Ghegs-Toscs from which originates the known language question which, it seems, still has not been overcome by the Albanians?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - The language question in Albania is not settled even today. Although formally (and by force) Enver Hoxha established as a common, official language the Tosc dialect (until then it was the Gheg dialect), the Ghegs have not given up. They still continue to speak and write in their dialect, although they are persecuted and maltreated because of it. When in 1965 in Albania I published the novel �Treason� in the Gheg dialect the Albanians of northern Albania openly requested the language of this book to be declared as the literary and official language of Albania. That too was one of the reasons for my satanisation which still continues. You should know that the difference between the Tosc and the Gheg dialects is much bigger than the differences between some �slavic� languages, for example the macedonian and the serbian. From another side, more Albanians, about two thirds, speak in Gheg, which is lexically richer, purer and also has much greater expressional opportunities. With the enforcement of the Tosc dialect, which was of a pure political nature (motive), a crime has been perpetrated against the Albanians and their culture.
VD: - One of the fallacies (delusions), unfortunately, it seems somehow silently accepted even outside of Albania is the so called monolithic nature of the albanian population in the Republic of Albania in which allegedly live 97-98% ethnic Albanians, for which You have already said something previously. What is, according to You, the reality in that respect in Albania?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - When Albania is proclaimed and recognised as an independent nation (1912-1913) its population numbered 700,000 of which hardly 50% were Albanians, while the other half was made up of Vlachs (around 20%), �Slavs� (Macedonians, Serbs, Montenegrins, around 15%),Greeks (around5%) and others (Turks, Roms, Cherkesians, Italians, Jews and others, around 10%). With the passing of time, mostly by force, with denial of all national rights, including the right to speak in their own languages at home, or to carry their own national family names, they are to a certain extent assimilated. But, even besides the such forced albanisation, in Albania even today over 30% of the population speaks a non albanian language and retains its non albanian national identity, although they are registered as Albanians, as they are not permitted to declare differently. The non albanian origins of the population of Albania is also evident from their surnames Bello, Blushi, Bogdani, Buda, Budi, Dida, Dobraci, Dragovoja, Dragusha, Haveri(ch), Kapisuzi(ch), Mexi, Millani, Milloshi, Mojsiu, Muzaka, Najdeni, Peku, Prela, Ruka, Sillil, Shkura, Shundi, Ziu and many others.
VD: - In Your research You have also paid special attention to the ethnic expansion of the Albanians in the past 2-3 centuries towards its neighbouring (serbian, macedonian, greek and others) regions, for which now, the last several decades, to begin to proclaim exactly them as their �ethnic territories� in which they allegedly lived from eternity?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - This truly is absurd and, in any case it is good that there remain numerous proofs for their undeniable expansion, which I have integrally collected and published in my study �The origins of the Albanians in Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Greece�. One needs to be objective and tell the truth, not because of the truth itself, but because it will contribute toward overcoming of the many problems on the Balkan. That the Albanians only in the past couple of centuries have expanded admitted publicly, via the printed media, the most eminent contemporary albanian scientist, academic professor Elrem Cabej (Tsabej), who, forced by the numerous arguments, was unable, but to conclude that today�s territories on which the Albanians live are not �a zone of RESTRICTION�, but �a zone of EXPANSION�. And not only he! That also is verified in the �HISTORIA Ë SHQIPERISË� itself, compiled by the albanian scientists themselves.
VD: - Recently from Tirana were launched some �evidences� about an existence of 14 million Albanians. Amongst the numerous �Albanians� who had indebted the world civilisation was included, as well, Alexander of Macedonia!?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - I�ve read that, as well. The albanian academic, Prof. Dr Skender Rizaj once even in his �scientific� works stated that, also all Serbs, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Bosnians and Herzegovians are, in reality, �slavicised� Albanians. By that method we should �admit� that they are not only 14, but possibly even 140 millions. I have already published a study about the �scientific� work �The Illyrians spoke albanian � The Albanians speak illyrian� published by Preloc Margiljaj. I would like to present for this suitable moment only a few short quotes which can also be found in other albanian historical-linguistic �experts�: �The Albanians are one of the oldest nations (peoples) in Europe� (page 438) �it is clear that Crete is the first fireplace of culture and civilisation in the aegean region and in Europe. Crete from the forgotten times of the past was settled with the pelasgian, rather the illyrian or albanian people, thus in Crete ruled the albanian language, which in other words, is the starting point and the first source of the european culture and civilisation�. (page296). Starting from this, this albanian �scientist� wants the albanian language to be taught in all schools around the world as a compulsory language because, according to him, without knowing that language it would not be possible to comprehend the world culture(!?). In respect of Alexander of Macedonia, even Enver Hoxha has written that he is an Albanian, expressing that also in one discussion with the indian ambassador in Tirana, as if personally he, Enver, had sent him to India, even as an ambassador to establish friendly relations between these two countries and peoples. These undoubtedly racist yearnings of the Albanians are certainly the result of their economic and cultural poverty, of their backwardness and late development in comparison with the other nations, amongst which are those of its neighbours, I would say of their frustration because of all of that.
VD: - Do You believe, regardless, in the possibility that the young, unburdened scientists and politicians in Albania will accept the reality and they, abandoning the greater albanian dreams, to give their own contribution towards the development in real good-neighbourly relations?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - I do believe! I have already cited several names of such young scientists. I can also give you names of young politicians unburdened of the greater albanian yearnings. But they still don�t have the power for that, except their pens and good intentions, with which they can�t act freely because the albanian print media is strictly censured by the greateralbanians, and the streets of the cities, unfortunately, are still patrolled by gangsters who, in the service of the social-fascist band, are ready to hit anyone with a brick on the head or with a bullet in the forehead!
VD: - For ten years, as a political emigrant, You have been living in Geneva, Switzerland. Do you have an impression that the so called democratic Europe and the West, generally, understand our Balkan situations?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - Democratic Europe, I�m afraid, at least in respect of us, does not exist at all. The antidemocratic one, on the other hand, hand never understood them, nor want to understand our Balkan difficulties. Europe was and still is in the service of The Capital. Its �democracy� is only an expression of that Capital. It uses our Balkan peoples and situations for penetration (expansion) and for ruling the world, for its own battle against the true, real democracy and its carriers.
VD: - Concordant with Your rich life experience, after all that in the past period happened on the Balkan, and which, sadly, culminated with several bloody wars, are You of the opinion that all of that, simply, had to happen?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - No! Absolutely not! All of that could and can, even needs to be solved without blood. Let the Albanians prove that even Moscow is theirs, thus give them even it. But until they prove that, they should not be given even one stone from our fatherlands, not only to prevent them from desecrating it, but in order to prevent them from smashing their own heads with it.
VD: - To conclude, I believe it would be interesting to hear Your prediction how the things could be developing in the near future?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: - The Americans have reached their aim � on the Balkan they have installed their military bases. Let us hope that they will not support the terrorism and to use the Albanians as cannon fodder. And the Albanians, certainly, in the meantime will wake up and will not allow either the Americans or whoever else to use them as such. For that, understandably, with self criticism, all of us need to assist them. I hope that for this will also contribute this interview, for which I most sincerely thank you, not as a foreigner, but as your brother, because I have always thought of Skopje as my second birth town and Macedonia as my second, true fatherland. I use this opportunity to send my greetings to my school friends from the Skopje gymnasium �J. B. Tito�, also the personnel from the macedonian embassies in Geneva and Tirana with whom I have met many times and keep wonderful memories from the discussions with them, especially with the recent (former) ambassador in Albania, Risto Nikovski. Understandably, special greetings to my friends and �comrades� from KPD �Idrizovo�.
Mentalni genocid nad Srbima
Kada parlament Srbije bude usvojio najavljenu rezoluciju o "genocidu u Srebrenici", navodno iznuđenu u skladu sa zahtjevima Europe, bit će konačno dovršen mentalni genocid nad Srbima koji se odvija već dva puna desetljeća.
Čudna je sudbina tog "genocidnog" srpskog naroda. Stoljećima je bio brana islamskom prodoru u Europu. U Prvom svjetskom ratu se borio protiv zlih sila Austrougarske i Njemačke i izišao kao pobjednik. U Drugom svjetskom ratu je doživio istinski genocid kao kaznu za njegovo suprotstavljanje nacizmu i fašizmu. Početkom devedesetih bio je "zapikan" od strane SAD, Njemačke, Vatikana i Austrije da bude glavni krivac (bad boy) u seriji ratova prouzrokovanih od onih izvana koji su sve uradili da dođe do raspada Jugoslavije.
Rezultat je bio najveći etnocid koji je jedan narod doživio nakon Drugog svjetskog rata: 400.000 (četiristo tisuća) protjeranih iz Hrvatske, 200.000 (dvjesta tisuća) protjeranih sa Kosmeta, barem 150.000 (sto pedeset tisuća) protjeranih iz sadašnjeg federalnog Sarajeva. Ako se tome doda oduzimanje Srbiji 15% njenog teritorija, a i činjenica da Vojvodina i Sandžak samo čekaju mig "velikog (SAD) brata" da se osamostale, onda je tragedija srpskog naroda, koju Europa uporno ignorira, više nego vidljiva. Ali, to su Srbi, kao "genocidan narod", vjerojatno i "zaslužili".
Naravno, etnička čišćenja Muslimana i Hrvata od strane Srba vršena su u BiH, i u tom pogledu na Balkanu nema nevinih, ali kada se sve sabere i odbije, onda su Srbi nadaleko gubitnička strana. Uostalom, Srbi u BiH imaju hrabrosti da izvrše popis stanovništva, uključujući vjersku i nacionalnu odrednicu. Bošnjaci to odbijaju, jer bi se onda jasno vidjelo da oni u prethodnom ratu nisu bili nikakvi "jaganjci božji" i da su praktično očistili svoj teritorij od svega što je srpsko.
Ali, cinizmu "međunarodne zajednice" nema kraja. Ona, ne samo što je Srbe bombardirala, demonizirala i ucjenjivala nego hoće da se sami Srbi osjećaju krivima zbog tragedije koja im se nametnula. Jevreji takvu vrst nametnute krivice stoljećima iskušavaju, pa se to viševjekovno zločinačko nametanje krivice sada primjenjuje i na Srbe. Jevreje je to što su "ubili" Isusa koštalo dvije hiljade godina patnje. Ostaje pitanje koliko će stoljeća Srbi patiti zbog navodno počinjenog genocida u Srebrenici.
Sve u svemu, "međunarodnoj zajednici" nije bilo dovoljno to što su njezini sudovi, opravdavajući NATO agresiju nad Srbima, proglasili jedan dio zločina u Srebrenici genocidom, nego hoće i da i sami Srbi taj dio zločina označe kao genocid. Ali, pođimo redom, oslanjajući se isključivo na zapadne i muslimanske izvore.
Zločin u Srebrenici ima dvije faze: zločini počinjeni nad Srbima i isprovocirani zločin Srba nad Muslimanima (sadašnjim Bošnjacima).
Zločini nad Srbima u Srebrenici i na njenim područjima odvijali su se od 1992. do 1995. godine. Zločine su vršili pripadnici Armije BiH (muslimanske vojske) stacionirani u Srebrenici, a pod rukovodstvom Nasera Orića. Tim povodom, dva britanska akademika (Jan Willem i Norbert Both) iznijeli su monstruoznu tvrdnju. Oni su priznali da je Orić vršio zločine nad Srbima, ali je on to, navodno, radio zato što je znao da su Srbi genocidan narod, pa ih je ubijao kako kasnije Srbi ne bi vršili genocid nad Muslimanima!
UN zvaničnik Jasuši Akaši smatrao je muslimansko rukovodstvo u Srebrenici kriminalnom bandom, korumpiranim i opasnim provokatorima, podvodačima i crnoburzašima.
Holandske trupe koje su posjedovale opremu za noćno osmatranje prijavile su da su vidjele muslimanske vojnike kako se šunjaju kroz perimetar oko Srebrenice i otvaraju vatru na holandske osmatračke položaje stvarajući utisak da to Srbi rade.
Generalni sekretar UN Kofi Anan rekao je u svom izvještaju o Srebrenici (1999) da su se Orićeve trupe koristile tehnikama etničkog čišćenja sličnim onima korišćenim od strane Srba u ostalim područjima paleći kuće te ubijajući i terorizirajući civilnu populaciju.
U veljači 2004. godine, Orić je primio reportera Vašington posta:
"Orićevi ratni trofeji ne nalaze se poslagani na zidu, ...već na video-kaseti: spaljene srpske kuće i tijela srpskih ljudi bez glava, nabacana na tužnu gomilu. Morali smo koristiti hladno oružje te noći, objašnjava Orić, dok se scene iskasapljenih mrtvih tijela vrte sa njegovog sony video-aparata."
Bil Šiler, reporter Toronto stara, izvijestio je da je na video-traci, prilikom intervjua, Orić u svojim rukama držao odsječene srpske glave. "Uhvatili smo ih u zamku", rekao je Orić kada se popriličan broj pobijenih Srba pojavio na ekranu. Sljedeća grupa leševa bila je dokrajčena eksplozivom. "Poslali smo ih na mjesec", hvalio se Orić. U jednom, na videu prikazanom selu, Orić je požurio da izjavi: "Tu smo ubili 114 Srba."
Čak je i Stejt department primijetio neke od ovih stravičnih zločina počinjenih u srpskim mjestima Kravicama, Bratuncu, Bjelovcu, Sikirićima, Voljevici, Jugovićima i Lozničkoj Rijeci.
Koliko je srpskih sela spaljeno, a civila ubijeno od strane Orićevih trupa koje su djelovale, iz navodno demilitarizirane zone, naočigled tamo stacioniranih mirovnih snaga UN, to nitko točno ne zna. Srbi, čiji je nehaj nadaleko poznat, nikad se nisu (kao Hrvati i Bošnjaci) potrudili da u detalje to istraže. Procjene iz stranih izvora se kreću oko nekoliko desetina srpskih sela i više stotina ubijenih srpskih civila, dok srpski izvori govore o 1.500 do 3.000 ubijenih Srba. Što bilo da bilo, danas Zapad ni da zucne o stradanjima srebreničkih srpskih civila. Jasno je da bi navođenjem ovih činjenica bio kod zapadnog javnog mnjenja ozbiljno uzdrman mit o srebreničkom genocidu. Povrh svega, Srbima nije dozvoljeno da budu žrtve, a ako se ta činjenica ne može ni na koji način izbjeći, onda se, veli Čomski, radi o "nedostojnim žrtvama".
Drugi dio srebreničkog zločina, onaj izvršen od strane Srba nad Muslimanima, bio je projektiran od strane Zapada, a u sprezi sa dijelom tadašnjeg muslimanskog rukovodstva. Srbi su naglavačke uletjeli u postavljenu zamku, što ih nimalo ne amnestira od počinjenog zločina. Pogledajmo kronologiju događanja.
– Predstavnici muslimanske zajednice okupili su se u Sarajevu 28. i 29. rujna. Neki preživjeli članovi srebreničke delegacje rekli su da im je Izetbegović kazao da bi NATO, prema predsjedniku Klintonu, intervenirao u BiH samo pod uvjetom da Srbi upadnu u Srebrenicu i da pritom pobiju barem 5.000 osoba. To nije bilo moguće realizirati, jer je sljedeće godine bio genocid u Ruandi sa milijun žrtava. Godina 1995. je za to bilo "idealno vrijeme", jer je Klintonu za drugi predsjednički mandat bio potreban forsirani mir u BiH.
– Očito je, da je Srebrenica "data na tanjur" Srbima. Orić je sa svojim štabom helikopterom prebačen iz Srebrenice sedam dana prije njenog pada. Dan prije pada, cjelokupna muška muslimanska populacija napustila je Srebrenicu, uključujući i 5.000 naoružanih pripadnika Armije BiH; u Srebrenici je ostalo oko 300 muškaraca.
– Zločin nad Muslimanima se vjerojatno desio prilikom i nakon zarobljavanja, kada su se Muslimani nastojali probiti kroz srpske položaje prema svojim bazama. Masovne egzekucije nad Muslimanima vršene su u mjestima Pilice, Branjevo, Petkovac, Kozluk i Kravica.
Broj hladnokrvno pobijenih zarobljenih Muslimana je, međutim, upitan. Postoji razlika u brojkama između deklarirano nestalih osoba i forenzičkih nalaza ostataka tijela. Osim za nekoliko stotina osoba, gdje je stvar očita, za druga nađena tijela nije jasno u kojim su okolnostima i kada poginula ili umrla.
Napomena: masovne grobnice su uobičajena stvar u ratnim vremenima kada se vrši asanacija terena kako ne bi došlo do masovnih zaraza.
– Simptomatično je da ni u holandskom izvještaju o Srebrenici (7.000 stranica), ni u francuskom izvještaju (2.000 stranica) nema očevidaca počinjenog zločina. Nema ni satelitskih snimaka počinjenih egzekucija. Jedini "pravi" svjedok je psihopata Erdemović, koji je u Hagu ustvrdio kako je prilikom masakara lično pobio više od 100 Muslimana za 11 kilograma zlata.
– Kada se vrši genocid, onda se neselektivno ubijaju svi pripadnici neke zajednice, a ne ostavljaju u životu reproduktivno sposobne osobe (žene i djeca).
Jasno je da je "srebrenički genocid", odnosno počinjeni zločin nad Muslimanima prvenstveno potreban "međunarodnoj – NATO – zajednici" kako bi opravdala bombardiranje srpskih područja u BiH i Jugoslaviji/Srbiji i kako bi se odužila islamskom svijetu za nad njim počinjene zločine na Bliskom i Srednjem istoku.
Ako Srbija u svojoj rezoluciji prihvati srebrenički zločin nad Muslimanima kao genocid, kako to zahtijeva "međunarodna zajednica", nad Srbima će trajno ostati pečat genocidnosti koji nitko više neće moći izbrisati. Jer za "međunarodnu zajednicu" je važno da upravo Srbi to kažu, jer sve dok oni to ne kažu, kvalifikacija zločina kao genocida je jednostrana, ona koja dolazi od protivničke strane u sukobu NATO–Srbi, i kao takova nema važnosti za javnost ni za povijest. Ako Srbi to ipak urade, oni će dovršiti mentalni genocid nad samima sobom, teritorijalni i mentalni genocid nad srpskim narodom koji su odavno projecirali i dobrim dijelom ostvarili gospodari novog svjetskog "humanitarnog" poretka.
Prof. Emil Vlajki za Nezavisne Novine
Čudna je sudbina tog "genocidnog" srpskog naroda. Stoljećima je bio brana islamskom prodoru u Europu. U Prvom svjetskom ratu se borio protiv zlih sila Austrougarske i Njemačke i izišao kao pobjednik. U Drugom svjetskom ratu je doživio istinski genocid kao kaznu za njegovo suprotstavljanje nacizmu i fašizmu. Početkom devedesetih bio je "zapikan" od strane SAD, Njemačke, Vatikana i Austrije da bude glavni krivac (bad boy) u seriji ratova prouzrokovanih od onih izvana koji su sve uradili da dođe do raspada Jugoslavije.
Rezultat je bio najveći etnocid koji je jedan narod doživio nakon Drugog svjetskog rata: 400.000 (četiristo tisuća) protjeranih iz Hrvatske, 200.000 (dvjesta tisuća) protjeranih sa Kosmeta, barem 150.000 (sto pedeset tisuća) protjeranih iz sadašnjeg federalnog Sarajeva. Ako se tome doda oduzimanje Srbiji 15% njenog teritorija, a i činjenica da Vojvodina i Sandžak samo čekaju mig "velikog (SAD) brata" da se osamostale, onda je tragedija srpskog naroda, koju Europa uporno ignorira, više nego vidljiva. Ali, to su Srbi, kao "genocidan narod", vjerojatno i "zaslužili".
Naravno, etnička čišćenja Muslimana i Hrvata od strane Srba vršena su u BiH, i u tom pogledu na Balkanu nema nevinih, ali kada se sve sabere i odbije, onda su Srbi nadaleko gubitnička strana. Uostalom, Srbi u BiH imaju hrabrosti da izvrše popis stanovništva, uključujući vjersku i nacionalnu odrednicu. Bošnjaci to odbijaju, jer bi se onda jasno vidjelo da oni u prethodnom ratu nisu bili nikakvi "jaganjci božji" i da su praktično očistili svoj teritorij od svega što je srpsko.
Ali, cinizmu "međunarodne zajednice" nema kraja. Ona, ne samo što je Srbe bombardirala, demonizirala i ucjenjivala nego hoće da se sami Srbi osjećaju krivima zbog tragedije koja im se nametnula. Jevreji takvu vrst nametnute krivice stoljećima iskušavaju, pa se to viševjekovno zločinačko nametanje krivice sada primjenjuje i na Srbe. Jevreje je to što su "ubili" Isusa koštalo dvije hiljade godina patnje. Ostaje pitanje koliko će stoljeća Srbi patiti zbog navodno počinjenog genocida u Srebrenici.
Sve u svemu, "međunarodnoj zajednici" nije bilo dovoljno to što su njezini sudovi, opravdavajući NATO agresiju nad Srbima, proglasili jedan dio zločina u Srebrenici genocidom, nego hoće i da i sami Srbi taj dio zločina označe kao genocid. Ali, pođimo redom, oslanjajući se isključivo na zapadne i muslimanske izvore.
Zločin u Srebrenici ima dvije faze: zločini počinjeni nad Srbima i isprovocirani zločin Srba nad Muslimanima (sadašnjim Bošnjacima).
Zločini nad Srbima u Srebrenici i na njenim područjima odvijali su se od 1992. do 1995. godine. Zločine su vršili pripadnici Armije BiH (muslimanske vojske) stacionirani u Srebrenici, a pod rukovodstvom Nasera Orića. Tim povodom, dva britanska akademika (Jan Willem i Norbert Both) iznijeli su monstruoznu tvrdnju. Oni su priznali da je Orić vršio zločine nad Srbima, ali je on to, navodno, radio zato što je znao da su Srbi genocidan narod, pa ih je ubijao kako kasnije Srbi ne bi vršili genocid nad Muslimanima!
UN zvaničnik Jasuši Akaši smatrao je muslimansko rukovodstvo u Srebrenici kriminalnom bandom, korumpiranim i opasnim provokatorima, podvodačima i crnoburzašima.
Holandske trupe koje su posjedovale opremu za noćno osmatranje prijavile su da su vidjele muslimanske vojnike kako se šunjaju kroz perimetar oko Srebrenice i otvaraju vatru na holandske osmatračke položaje stvarajući utisak da to Srbi rade.
Generalni sekretar UN Kofi Anan rekao je u svom izvještaju o Srebrenici (1999) da su se Orićeve trupe koristile tehnikama etničkog čišćenja sličnim onima korišćenim od strane Srba u ostalim područjima paleći kuće te ubijajući i terorizirajući civilnu populaciju.
U veljači 2004. godine, Orić je primio reportera Vašington posta:
"Orićevi ratni trofeji ne nalaze se poslagani na zidu, ...već na video-kaseti: spaljene srpske kuće i tijela srpskih ljudi bez glava, nabacana na tužnu gomilu. Morali smo koristiti hladno oružje te noći, objašnjava Orić, dok se scene iskasapljenih mrtvih tijela vrte sa njegovog sony video-aparata."
Bil Šiler, reporter Toronto stara, izvijestio je da je na video-traci, prilikom intervjua, Orić u svojim rukama držao odsječene srpske glave. "Uhvatili smo ih u zamku", rekao je Orić kada se popriličan broj pobijenih Srba pojavio na ekranu. Sljedeća grupa leševa bila je dokrajčena eksplozivom. "Poslali smo ih na mjesec", hvalio se Orić. U jednom, na videu prikazanom selu, Orić je požurio da izjavi: "Tu smo ubili 114 Srba."
Čak je i Stejt department primijetio neke od ovih stravičnih zločina počinjenih u srpskim mjestima Kravicama, Bratuncu, Bjelovcu, Sikirićima, Voljevici, Jugovićima i Lozničkoj Rijeci.
Koliko je srpskih sela spaljeno, a civila ubijeno od strane Orićevih trupa koje su djelovale, iz navodno demilitarizirane zone, naočigled tamo stacioniranih mirovnih snaga UN, to nitko točno ne zna. Srbi, čiji je nehaj nadaleko poznat, nikad se nisu (kao Hrvati i Bošnjaci) potrudili da u detalje to istraže. Procjene iz stranih izvora se kreću oko nekoliko desetina srpskih sela i više stotina ubijenih srpskih civila, dok srpski izvori govore o 1.500 do 3.000 ubijenih Srba. Što bilo da bilo, danas Zapad ni da zucne o stradanjima srebreničkih srpskih civila. Jasno je da bi navođenjem ovih činjenica bio kod zapadnog javnog mnjenja ozbiljno uzdrman mit o srebreničkom genocidu. Povrh svega, Srbima nije dozvoljeno da budu žrtve, a ako se ta činjenica ne može ni na koji način izbjeći, onda se, veli Čomski, radi o "nedostojnim žrtvama".
Drugi dio srebreničkog zločina, onaj izvršen od strane Srba nad Muslimanima, bio je projektiran od strane Zapada, a u sprezi sa dijelom tadašnjeg muslimanskog rukovodstva. Srbi su naglavačke uletjeli u postavljenu zamku, što ih nimalo ne amnestira od počinjenog zločina. Pogledajmo kronologiju događanja.
– Predstavnici muslimanske zajednice okupili su se u Sarajevu 28. i 29. rujna. Neki preživjeli članovi srebreničke delegacje rekli su da im je Izetbegović kazao da bi NATO, prema predsjedniku Klintonu, intervenirao u BiH samo pod uvjetom da Srbi upadnu u Srebrenicu i da pritom pobiju barem 5.000 osoba. To nije bilo moguće realizirati, jer je sljedeće godine bio genocid u Ruandi sa milijun žrtava. Godina 1995. je za to bilo "idealno vrijeme", jer je Klintonu za drugi predsjednički mandat bio potreban forsirani mir u BiH.
– Očito je, da je Srebrenica "data na tanjur" Srbima. Orić je sa svojim štabom helikopterom prebačen iz Srebrenice sedam dana prije njenog pada. Dan prije pada, cjelokupna muška muslimanska populacija napustila je Srebrenicu, uključujući i 5.000 naoružanih pripadnika Armije BiH; u Srebrenici je ostalo oko 300 muškaraca.
– Zločin nad Muslimanima se vjerojatno desio prilikom i nakon zarobljavanja, kada su se Muslimani nastojali probiti kroz srpske položaje prema svojim bazama. Masovne egzekucije nad Muslimanima vršene su u mjestima Pilice, Branjevo, Petkovac, Kozluk i Kravica.
Broj hladnokrvno pobijenih zarobljenih Muslimana je, međutim, upitan. Postoji razlika u brojkama između deklarirano nestalih osoba i forenzičkih nalaza ostataka tijela. Osim za nekoliko stotina osoba, gdje je stvar očita, za druga nađena tijela nije jasno u kojim su okolnostima i kada poginula ili umrla.
Napomena: masovne grobnice su uobičajena stvar u ratnim vremenima kada se vrši asanacija terena kako ne bi došlo do masovnih zaraza.
– Simptomatično je da ni u holandskom izvještaju o Srebrenici (7.000 stranica), ni u francuskom izvještaju (2.000 stranica) nema očevidaca počinjenog zločina. Nema ni satelitskih snimaka počinjenih egzekucija. Jedini "pravi" svjedok je psihopata Erdemović, koji je u Hagu ustvrdio kako je prilikom masakara lično pobio više od 100 Muslimana za 11 kilograma zlata.
– Kada se vrši genocid, onda se neselektivno ubijaju svi pripadnici neke zajednice, a ne ostavljaju u životu reproduktivno sposobne osobe (žene i djeca).
Jasno je da je "srebrenički genocid", odnosno počinjeni zločin nad Muslimanima prvenstveno potreban "međunarodnoj – NATO – zajednici" kako bi opravdala bombardiranje srpskih područja u BiH i Jugoslaviji/Srbiji i kako bi se odužila islamskom svijetu za nad njim počinjene zločine na Bliskom i Srednjem istoku.
Ako Srbija u svojoj rezoluciji prihvati srebrenički zločin nad Muslimanima kao genocid, kako to zahtijeva "međunarodna zajednica", nad Srbima će trajno ostati pečat genocidnosti koji nitko više neće moći izbrisati. Jer za "međunarodnu zajednicu" je važno da upravo Srbi to kažu, jer sve dok oni to ne kažu, kvalifikacija zločina kao genocida je jednostrana, ona koja dolazi od protivničke strane u sukobu NATO–Srbi, i kao takova nema važnosti za javnost ni za povijest. Ako Srbi to ipak urade, oni će dovršiti mentalni genocid nad samima sobom, teritorijalni i mentalni genocid nad srpskim narodom koji su odavno projecirali i dobrim dijelom ostvarili gospodari novog svjetskog "humanitarnog" poretka.
Prof. Emil Vlajki za Nezavisne Novine
Mračne igre oko Srebrenice
Kakva je to „rezolucija o Srebrenici“, gde tačno piše da je to „naša obaveza“ i kako tačno ta „obavezna“ rezolucija treba da glasi, predsednik Srbije Boris Tadić u svojim obraćanjima na tu temu još nije izričito rekao. Zloslutna su, međutim, bar dva nagoveštaja: Tadić je izabrao Televiziju Republike Srpske da svoju nameru saopšti celokupnoj srpskoj javnosti, i to dan posle Sv. Arhiđakona Stefana, slave Republike Srpske; sledećeg dana, na udarnom Drugom dnevniku RTS-a, dok je spiker govorio o stranačkim reakcijama na Tadićevu najavu, iza njega je stajao veliki broj, „8372…“
Prvi, u podnaslovu pomenuti, momenat je zlokoban jer je došao kao hladan tuš na proslavu Republike Srpske, i to u momentu kada je srpski entitet u Dejtonskoj Bosni i Hercegovini pod najvećim međunarodnim pritiskom u svojoj istoriji. Kao diplomirani psiholog, predsednik Srbije je morao da zna koliko njegova najava, baš u to vreme i tim povodom, može da demorališe i stanovništvo i rukovodstvo Republike Srpske koje, osim Srbije – i, još uvek u manjem obimu, Rusije – nema istinskog oslonca u svetu. Uz to, svi u Republici Srpskoj su svesni da izveštaj Komisije za ispitivanje događaja u Srebrenici, donet 2004. pod pritiskom Pedi Ešdauna (koji je, prema svedočenju francuskog pukovnika Patrika Barioa u Hagu, „izdiktirao izveštaj Komisije“, koja, ipak, nigde nije priznala postojanje „genocida“), ne da nije doneo Republici Srpskoj ništa dobro, niti primakao stanovnike Bosne i Hercegovine nekakvom pomirenju, već je samo intenzivirao histerične pozive Harisa Silajdžića i sličnih da se „genocidni entitet“ ukine. Dakle, moramo zaključiti da je, kao profesionalni psiholog, Tadić znao efekat ovakvog svog nastupa, i da je to svesno uradio, upravo sa pomenutom svrhom (ovde bi mu jedini izgovor mogao biti ako mu je u glavu udarila nedavno primljena vakcina protiv novog gripa, na način kako je udarila ministra zdravlja, Tomicu Milosavljevića, koji se nekontrolisano kliberio pred kamerama Drugog dnevnika RTS-a posle pelcovanja krajem prošle godine).
Drugi momenat je, pak, zlokoban jer je reč o brojki koja stoji na spomeniku u „Memorijalnom centru“ u Srebrenici, kojeg je 20. septembra 2003. otvorio poznati borac za istinu, bivši predsednik SAD-a Bil Klinton. Broj „8372“ predstavlja, prema navodima Federalne komisije za nestale osobe BiH, broj „nestalih žrtava genocida na području Regije Srebrenica“. Već ova kvalifikacija predstavlja besmislicu jer, kako se može znati da li je neko „žrtva genocida“ bez forenzičkog nalaza koji, opet, nije moguć ako je žrtva „nestala“? A tri tačke iza brojke nisu štamparska greška: one treba da svedoče o tome da, kako piše na spomeniku, taj broj „nije konačan“. Zlokobno je to što se ova, ničim dokazana, potpuno proizvoljna brojka nekritički nudi gledaocima najgledanije informativne emisije u Srbiji. Voditelj dnevnika se čak nije ni osvrnuo na nju, što treba da sugeriše da je neupitna. A nije. Zapravo je izuzetno upitna, što bi trebalo da zna, ako ne svaki bolje informisan građanin Srbije, a onda svakako svaki urednik, voditelj, pa i radnik državnog informativnog programa. Dakle, znali su, i svesno su tu brojku nekritički servirali višemilionskom auditorijumu, koji upravo od Medijskog javnog servisa zavisi za većinu svojih informacija.
ODABRANE INFORMACIJE ZA „PSIHOLOŠKE OPERACIJE“ Ova dva momenta veoma liče na ono što se u stručnim, mahom vojno-obaveštajnim, krugovima naziva „SAJOP“ (PSYOP), što je skraćenica za „psihološke operacije“ (Psychological Operations). Kratka definicija sa jednog američkog sajta posvećenog ovom aspektu ratovanja glasi: „Psihološke operacije ili SAJOP su planirane operacije za prenošenje odabranih informacija i pokazatelja publikama, radi uticanja na njihove emocije, motive, objektivno rezonovanje i, napokon, ponašanje organizacija, grupa i pojedinaca. Korišćeno u svim vidovima ratovanja, to je oružje čija je delotvornost ograničena samo dovitljivošću komandanta koji ih koristi.“ Srpska javnost, možda bolje od i jedne u svetu, može da navede i konkretne primere SAJOP-a: izveštavanje o „granatiranju“ reda za hleb u ulici Vase Miskina u Sarajevu (korišćeno kao povod za uvođenje međunarodnih sankcija SR Jugoslaviji 1992.), navodi o „desetinama hiljada“ silovanih muslimanki od strane „srpskih snaga u Bosni“ (korišćeno kao sredstvo satanizacije koja bi opravdala održavanje i dodatno stezanje sankcija), izveštavanja o „srpskim granatiranjima“ sarajevske pijace Markale (korišćena kao povod za NATO bombardovanja Republike Srpske 1994. i 1995), izveštavanje o „masakru“ u Račku (korišćeno kao povod za početak NATO bombardovanja SR Jugoslavije 1999.). U svim ovim slučajevima „prenesene su odabrane informacije radi uticaja na emocije i objektivno rezonovanje“ – ovog puta svetskog javnog mnjenja, koje je trebalo da, bez prethodnog, definitivnog utvrđivanja istine, podrži agresivni vojni angažman zapadnih vojnih snaga u bivšoj Jugoslaviji.
Što se tiče događanja u Srebrenici u julu 1995, sa razlogom se može reći da je njihovo tumačenje od strane zapadnih vlada i mas-medija takođe korišćeno kao SAJOP. I to su prozreli mnogi nezavisni posmatrači iz samog ishodišta srebreničkog SAJOP-a. Na primer, Edvard Herman, profesor na jednom od najboljih svetskih univerziteta, Univerzitetu Pensilvanije (SAD), je 2005. napisao: „‘Srebrenički masakr’ predstavlja najveći trijumf propagande u balkanskim ratovima… To je simbol srpskog zla i muslimanskog statusa žrtve, kao i pravednosti zapadnog rasturanja Jugoslavije i intervencije na više nivoa, uključujući i bombardovanje i kolonijalnu okupaciju Bosne i Hercegovine i Kosova.“ Stela Džatras je, pišući za američki antiratni sajt „Antiwar“, prozrela igru još 2000. godine: „Srebrenica jednako holokaust. Srebrenica jednako genocid. Srebrenica jednako etničko čišćenje. I, pošto se sada diskredituju tvrdnje o masovnim grobnicama i genocidu na Kosovu, postoji li bolji način da se nastavi s demonizacijom Srba nego da se američki narod podseća na Srebrenicu? Jer ima još nezavršenog posla u rasparčavanju Jugoslavije, putem amputacije Crne Gore, Sandžaka i Vojvodine. Zver Novog svetskog poretka neće biti zadovoljna dok ne napuni želudac, a to zahteva da američki narod prihvati sledeću intervenciju NATO-a na Balkanu.“ Tara Mekormak sa londonskog Vestminsterskog univerziteta je u engleskom časopisu „Spiked“ 2005. napisala: „Od Kosova 1999. do Konga 2005, Srebrenica se ističe kao konačni dokaz da je Zapad moralno obavezan da vojno interveniše u konfliktnim situacijama. Džek Strou (tadašnji britanski ministar spoljnih poslova, prim. aut) je pravdao zapadnu intervenciju u Makedoniji 2001. koristeći Srebrenicu kao primer šta se dešava kada se Zapad ustručava da interveniše. Liberalni komentator Dejvid Aronovič je upotrebio isti argument da bi opravdao svoju podršku vojnoj akciji u Iraku. Govoreći o ubistvu 60 kongoanskih vojnika od strane vojnika UN, general UN Patrik Kamert je iznosio argumente u korist snažne vojne intervencije, zbog lekcija iz Srebrenice, Somalije i Ruande.’“
Aleksandar Pavic,Pečat
Prvi, u podnaslovu pomenuti, momenat je zlokoban jer je došao kao hladan tuš na proslavu Republike Srpske, i to u momentu kada je srpski entitet u Dejtonskoj Bosni i Hercegovini pod najvećim međunarodnim pritiskom u svojoj istoriji. Kao diplomirani psiholog, predsednik Srbije je morao da zna koliko njegova najava, baš u to vreme i tim povodom, može da demorališe i stanovništvo i rukovodstvo Republike Srpske koje, osim Srbije – i, još uvek u manjem obimu, Rusije – nema istinskog oslonca u svetu. Uz to, svi u Republici Srpskoj su svesni da izveštaj Komisije za ispitivanje događaja u Srebrenici, donet 2004. pod pritiskom Pedi Ešdauna (koji je, prema svedočenju francuskog pukovnika Patrika Barioa u Hagu, „izdiktirao izveštaj Komisije“, koja, ipak, nigde nije priznala postojanje „genocida“), ne da nije doneo Republici Srpskoj ništa dobro, niti primakao stanovnike Bosne i Hercegovine nekakvom pomirenju, već je samo intenzivirao histerične pozive Harisa Silajdžića i sličnih da se „genocidni entitet“ ukine. Dakle, moramo zaključiti da je, kao profesionalni psiholog, Tadić znao efekat ovakvog svog nastupa, i da je to svesno uradio, upravo sa pomenutom svrhom (ovde bi mu jedini izgovor mogao biti ako mu je u glavu udarila nedavno primljena vakcina protiv novog gripa, na način kako je udarila ministra zdravlja, Tomicu Milosavljevića, koji se nekontrolisano kliberio pred kamerama Drugog dnevnika RTS-a posle pelcovanja krajem prošle godine).
Drugi momenat je, pak, zlokoban jer je reč o brojki koja stoji na spomeniku u „Memorijalnom centru“ u Srebrenici, kojeg je 20. septembra 2003. otvorio poznati borac za istinu, bivši predsednik SAD-a Bil Klinton. Broj „8372“ predstavlja, prema navodima Federalne komisije za nestale osobe BiH, broj „nestalih žrtava genocida na području Regije Srebrenica“. Već ova kvalifikacija predstavlja besmislicu jer, kako se može znati da li je neko „žrtva genocida“ bez forenzičkog nalaza koji, opet, nije moguć ako je žrtva „nestala“? A tri tačke iza brojke nisu štamparska greška: one treba da svedoče o tome da, kako piše na spomeniku, taj broj „nije konačan“. Zlokobno je to što se ova, ničim dokazana, potpuno proizvoljna brojka nekritički nudi gledaocima najgledanije informativne emisije u Srbiji. Voditelj dnevnika se čak nije ni osvrnuo na nju, što treba da sugeriše da je neupitna. A nije. Zapravo je izuzetno upitna, što bi trebalo da zna, ako ne svaki bolje informisan građanin Srbije, a onda svakako svaki urednik, voditelj, pa i radnik državnog informativnog programa. Dakle, znali su, i svesno su tu brojku nekritički servirali višemilionskom auditorijumu, koji upravo od Medijskog javnog servisa zavisi za većinu svojih informacija.
ODABRANE INFORMACIJE ZA „PSIHOLOŠKE OPERACIJE“ Ova dva momenta veoma liče na ono što se u stručnim, mahom vojno-obaveštajnim, krugovima naziva „SAJOP“ (PSYOP), što je skraćenica za „psihološke operacije“ (Psychological Operations). Kratka definicija sa jednog američkog sajta posvećenog ovom aspektu ratovanja glasi: „Psihološke operacije ili SAJOP su planirane operacije za prenošenje odabranih informacija i pokazatelja publikama, radi uticanja na njihove emocije, motive, objektivno rezonovanje i, napokon, ponašanje organizacija, grupa i pojedinaca. Korišćeno u svim vidovima ratovanja, to je oružje čija je delotvornost ograničena samo dovitljivošću komandanta koji ih koristi.“ Srpska javnost, možda bolje od i jedne u svetu, može da navede i konkretne primere SAJOP-a: izveštavanje o „granatiranju“ reda za hleb u ulici Vase Miskina u Sarajevu (korišćeno kao povod za uvođenje međunarodnih sankcija SR Jugoslaviji 1992.), navodi o „desetinama hiljada“ silovanih muslimanki od strane „srpskih snaga u Bosni“ (korišćeno kao sredstvo satanizacije koja bi opravdala održavanje i dodatno stezanje sankcija), izveštavanja o „srpskim granatiranjima“ sarajevske pijace Markale (korišćena kao povod za NATO bombardovanja Republike Srpske 1994. i 1995), izveštavanje o „masakru“ u Račku (korišćeno kao povod za početak NATO bombardovanja SR Jugoslavije 1999.). U svim ovim slučajevima „prenesene su odabrane informacije radi uticaja na emocije i objektivno rezonovanje“ – ovog puta svetskog javnog mnjenja, koje je trebalo da, bez prethodnog, definitivnog utvrđivanja istine, podrži agresivni vojni angažman zapadnih vojnih snaga u bivšoj Jugoslaviji.
Što se tiče događanja u Srebrenici u julu 1995, sa razlogom se može reći da je njihovo tumačenje od strane zapadnih vlada i mas-medija takođe korišćeno kao SAJOP. I to su prozreli mnogi nezavisni posmatrači iz samog ishodišta srebreničkog SAJOP-a. Na primer, Edvard Herman, profesor na jednom od najboljih svetskih univerziteta, Univerzitetu Pensilvanije (SAD), je 2005. napisao: „‘Srebrenički masakr’ predstavlja najveći trijumf propagande u balkanskim ratovima… To je simbol srpskog zla i muslimanskog statusa žrtve, kao i pravednosti zapadnog rasturanja Jugoslavije i intervencije na više nivoa, uključujući i bombardovanje i kolonijalnu okupaciju Bosne i Hercegovine i Kosova.“ Stela Džatras je, pišući za američki antiratni sajt „Antiwar“, prozrela igru još 2000. godine: „Srebrenica jednako holokaust. Srebrenica jednako genocid. Srebrenica jednako etničko čišćenje. I, pošto se sada diskredituju tvrdnje o masovnim grobnicama i genocidu na Kosovu, postoji li bolji način da se nastavi s demonizacijom Srba nego da se američki narod podseća na Srebrenicu? Jer ima još nezavršenog posla u rasparčavanju Jugoslavije, putem amputacije Crne Gore, Sandžaka i Vojvodine. Zver Novog svetskog poretka neće biti zadovoljna dok ne napuni želudac, a to zahteva da američki narod prihvati sledeću intervenciju NATO-a na Balkanu.“ Tara Mekormak sa londonskog Vestminsterskog univerziteta je u engleskom časopisu „Spiked“ 2005. napisala: „Od Kosova 1999. do Konga 2005, Srebrenica se ističe kao konačni dokaz da je Zapad moralno obavezan da vojno interveniše u konfliktnim situacijama. Džek Strou (tadašnji britanski ministar spoljnih poslova, prim. aut) je pravdao zapadnu intervenciju u Makedoniji 2001. koristeći Srebrenicu kao primer šta se dešava kada se Zapad ustručava da interveniše. Liberalni komentator Dejvid Aronovič je upotrebio isti argument da bi opravdao svoju podršku vojnoj akciji u Iraku. Govoreći o ubistvu 60 kongoanskih vojnika od strane vojnika UN, general UN Patrik Kamert je iznosio argumente u korist snažne vojne intervencije, zbog lekcija iz Srebrenice, Somalije i Ruande.’“
Aleksandar Pavic,Pečat
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